Linguistika Kultura: Jurnal Linguistik Sastra Berdimensi Cultural Studies <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1978-6646</a> (Print) | ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3024-9376</a> (Online)</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Linguistika Kultura: Jurnal Linguistik Sastra Berdimensi Cultural Studies</strong> is a journal by English Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang. It is a double-blind review journal that is peer-reviewed and open access. The journal seeks to become an open access publishing platform that publishes and disseminates concepts and research findings related to language and literature beginning in 2021. Articles from this journal may be downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, and used in any legal way following the lisence used in this journal. Languages, linguistics, literary studies, and cultural linguistics are just a few of the fields that the journal is open to submissions. The journal's goal is to publish the findings of theoretical and critical study of language and literature, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovation, and book reviews written either in English or Indonesian. The journal will be released twice a year, in June and December. From 2007 to 2020, the issues were published in printed version (ISSN 1978-6646) and start to published in electronic version since 2021 (ISSN 3024-9376).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Linguistika Kultura</strong> is indexed in: <a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1458733" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a> | <a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a> | <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref</a></p> English Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang en-US Linguistika Kultura: Jurnal Linguistik Sastra Berdimensi Cultural Studies 1978-6646 Kawin Paksa dalam Gadis Pantai <p>Sejumlah karya sastra ditulis oleh pengarang berdasarkan imajinasi semata, terinspirasi dari suatu peristiwa, atau merupakan tanggapan penulis terhadap apa yang terjadi di masyarakat. Pramoedya Ananta Toer adalah salah satu pengarang kenamaan Indonesia yang karya-karyanya banyak didasari oleh kejadian faktual yang dia ketahui atau dia alami sendiri. Gadis Pantai adalah sebuah kisah yang dia tulis berdasarkan peristiwa yang terjadi dikalangan kaum awam dengan kaum priyayi di Jawa. Tulisan ini menggunakan perspektif Marxis dalam memahami konflik antara dua kaum yaitu Priyayi dan orang desa. Analisa menunjukkan bahwa hegemoni berperan dalam hubungan kedua kelompok ini. Kaum Priyayi mendominasi kehidupan kaum miskin sementara orang miskin merasa nyaman bisa dekat dengan kaun Priyayi meskipun mereka sudah dihegemoni.</p> Lindawati Lindawati Copyright (c) 2022 Lindawati Lindawati 2022-10-11 2022-10-11 11 1 1 10 10.25077/jlk.11.1.1-10.2022 Phonological Errors Produced By Students In Pronouncing English Silent Letters <p>Hampir semua huruf mulai dari ‘a’ sampai ‘z’&nbsp; kecuali huruf ‘j’, ‘q’, dan ‘v’ ditemukan <em>silent</em> (sunyi/ tidak dilafazkan) pada posisi atau lingkungan bunyi tertentu. Misalnya, huruf /b/ sunyi dalam kata ‘plum<em>b</em>er’, /g/ sunyi dalam kata ‘<em>g</em>nome’, huruf&nbsp; /p/ dalam kata ‘cou<em>p</em>’, /i/ dalam ‘zar<em>i</em>a’, /l/ dalam ‘sa<em>l</em>mon’, /m/ dalam ‘<em>m</em>nemonic’, /s/ dalam ‘debri<em>s</em> ‘, /x/ dalam ‘fau<em>x</em>’, /z/ dalam rende<em>z</em>vous (Oxford Advanced Learner Dictinary). Kajian ini membahas tentang pola, bentuk, posisi, dan lingkungan dari <em>silent letter</em> tersebut. Data adalah semua kata-kata yang mempunyai <em>silent letter</em> diambil dari Oxpord Advanced Learner Dictionary, kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan teori Carney (1994). Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa <em>silent letter</em> terdapat dalam dua pola yaitu pola ‘endocentric digraph’ dan ‘empty letter’. Dari pola endocentric digraph ditemukan bermacam-macam bentuk <em>digraph</em> yang mengambil posisi diawal, ditengah, atau diakhir sebuah kata. Sedangkan pola <em>empty letter</em> tidak punya bentuk. Hubungan bunyi dua huruf yang mengapit satu huruf sangat kuat, sehingga bunyi huruf yang terapit jadi <em>silent.</em> Kemudian diteliti bagaimana mahasiswa melafazkan kata-kata yang mengandung <em>silent letter</em> tersebut. Hasil penelitian penunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan kemampuan mahasiswa senior dalam melafazkan kata-kata yang mengandung <em>silent letter</em> masih sangat rendah.</p> Rumbardi Rumbardi Imelda Indah Lestari Copyright (c) 2022 Rumbardi Rumbardi, Imelda Indah Lestari 2022-10-11 2022-10-11 11 1 11 32 10.25077/jlk.11.1.11-32.2022 The Study of Noun Phrase Structure of English Names for Menus in Selected Restaurants and Cafes in Padang Chinese Town, Indonesia <p>This paper discusses the phrase structure construction of English in the names of foods and drinks on the list of menus sold by some modern restaurants and cafes. The phrase structure analysis is based on Burton's (2013) and Collins's (2000) theories. The function of the head in structure and types of phrases are determined by applying the deletion technique.&nbsp; &nbsp;The research data were collected from lists of menus used in nine &nbsp;Restaurants and cafes in Pondok, a Chinese Town of Padang City. There are&nbsp; 209 food and drink names in the form of noun phrases. The NPs can be categorized into 31 types,&nbsp; ranging from simple to complex constructions. The most common type is Noun + Noun and Adjective + Noun. The NPs are used more for food names than that for drinks'. It is probably due to the wider variety of cooking styles and food ingredients than drinks. A wide variety of NPs used for the menus' names in the observed restaurants indicates the owners' sufficient knowledge of the English language.</p> Jessica Cindy Rina Marnita Ayendi Ayendi Copyright (c) 2022 Jessica Cindy, Rina Marnita, Ayendi Ayendi 2022-10-11 2022-10-11 11 1 33 45 10.25077/jlk.11.1.33-45.2022 Reader’s Responses of the Colonized Land in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad <p>This study discusses colonialism in Africa in Joseph Conrad's <em>Heart of Darkness</em>. It aims to study readers' responses regarding colonialism in the novella. The research uses a reader's response approach applying David Bleich's theory and the postcolonial theory of literary criticism of Edward Said. The methods of collecting data include spreading questionnaires to local officials and library research. The investigation also uses thematic analysis, which identifies, analyzes, and interprets patterns of the data collected from the respondents. This research reveals that everyone has their own opinion and broad view of colonialism. In the readers' responses to <em>Heart of Darkness</em>, the readers show that they are against colonialism and judge this work as a work that describes colonialism.</p> Sonya Suciati Bedihardjo Ferdinal Ferdinal Copyright (c) 2022 Sonya Suciati Bedihardjo, Ferdinal Ferdinal 2022-10-11 2022-10-11 11 1 46 58 10.25077/jlk.11.1.46-58.2022 Reader’s Reception Toward Love Obsession In Edgar Allan Poe’s “Ligeia” <p>This thesis discusses the readers’ responses to the theme of obsession with love in “Ligeia,” written by an American writer, Edgar Allan Poe. Through Wolfgang Iser’s reader-response theory, this study analyzes readers’ responses and the value of a literary work according to the readers of the literary works discussed, namely the short story “Ligeia,” factors that form the background of the responses given by readers. The results of the analysis show that the reader’s acceptance of the story is influenced by the reader’s ability to understand the language elements of literary works and their knowledge of vocabulary and the reader’s personal experience, especially the experience of love relationships. In terms of the effect that readers felt on “Ligeia,” the results showed that readers received positive ratings. They rated this work as new and unique experiences.</p> Nada Aprilia Febrin Copyright (c) 2022 Nada Aprilia Febrin 2022-10-11 2022-10-11 11 1 59 69 10.25077/jlk.11.1.59-69.2022